Freedom of choice

Who are you, Thius – or rather, what are you Thius?

To such a question there is really only one possible answer, it can all be boiled down to one single word – which would be ‘myself‘.

Myself thoroughly enjoys the supposed ‘freedom‘ that we ought to enjoy here in our part of the world. Whatever that means. Because to me ‘freedom of expression‘ does not only refer to the choice of funny mouth-noises utilised in communication – but also phenomenon such as clothing, food-choice, lifestyle, expressions of art, self-mutilation and so on.

Most of the livestock that really only extend it to freedom in which mouth-noises you use, which is not at all in effect anymore due to the extreme levels of censoring that do occur in the increasingly non-free western world. And part of that is also the oppositional movement.

Myself operates according to the famous game-phrase:
A man chooses, a slave obey‘ – although in our modern society one could rephrase it as (For the sake of convenience rather than anything else):
A human/person chooses, a slave obeys

Myself enjoys expressing myself freely, to the prejudice of the other slaves who for whichever reason fears such level of freedom based on the indoctrinating conditioning they have gone through during growing up. Such neurogenetic inbreeding does not entertain nor impress myself.

Even in the supposed counter-movement, where they scream themselves blue-faced about their right to freely express themselves, they exercise mind-numbing levels of hypocrisy. You are not allowed to be a weak man, you are not allowed to dress up as a woman, you are not allowed to mutilate yourself, you are not allowed to experiment with drugs, you are not allowed to adhere to whichever political doctrine you desire according to those people. They do not even know what the freedom they advocate really is.

Because myself operates after one thorough principle:
Do as myself do, not as myself say
If myself were ever to enforce any form of behaviour onto other people. But as myself do not, myself is closer to:
Myself do as myself wants to do, and says whatever myself wants to say

When it comes to other people, myself do not give a shit about what they say, but really only focuses on what they do – such is the principle of a behavioural scientist. Even though investigation of their composition in funny mouth-noises is subject to thought-behaviour, so myself do study that as well.

But the point remains.
Myself is not what you think myself is. Because myself does not attach myself to any specific funny mouth-noise at all.
Myself is not a communist.
Myself is not a nazi.
Myself is not whatever the fuck.

Myself is simply myself, enjoying the supposed freedom we have the right to in the western world. Something which these days are increasingly expensive, and not in the sense of money. As the neurogenetically inbred honor cultures are taking over in every corner of doctrinal thought.

My stance is firm.
You are free to be yourself, as myself is free to be myself.
Even if that means you are some drug addict, transsexual, closeted gay, neo-nazi wannabe, communist dreamer, Santa Claus fetishist, Christian muslim, or whatever abomination of behaviour you come up with.

At least myself still believes in authentic freedom.
That is why you can read this.

(Despite that my webspace cost me hundreds of dollars out of my very own pocket to rent – but such is the price of freedom of expression which you cannot enjoy on social media these days)

So yet again:
If my content does not suit you, please stop bothering my freedom – as it is technically my digital property.

Categorised as Thoughts