
In the expression of behaviour within the experience of life as myself enjoys it, there are some things which myself holds exceptionally dear in principles. Which are as follows:
Myself is not a homophobe.
Myself is not a misogynist.
Myself is not a racist.

This is not because of some adherence to an agenda nor service to external societal ideals. But simply because they are substandard expressions of behaviour to myself as a neuromechanical engineer. Those are behaviours that are in my personal perception beneath the standard which myself is personally opting for.

Myself do however truly believe in the principle ‘freedom of expression’ – therefore myself usually utilises my expressed character as a form of opportunity to build integrity against such behaviours. Myself do not believe in censoring, as it undermines communication and through that neurogenetic integrity. It diminishes the novelty of mental homeostasis, wherein the mind is capable of entertaining ideas without succumbing to them.

What myself have found in life is hilariously enough that other people with their prejudice wish for the encore of specific characters within myself. Myself as a neurogenetic businessman operates after ‘supply and demand’, so myself does not really feel intimidated nor troubled by their assumption of character in regard to my animating essence – but rather happily provides towards that which seems to synchronistically bring about the greatest amount of mutual joy.

Few individuals actually care and bothers to really investigate what is my true personality and character, with its flaws and brilliance. One could go as far as to say that myself is a professional method expressionist, as a result of evaluating the neuromechanical constructs of thought behaviour that myself symbolically assembles.

Myself assume a very high standard of neuromechanics, the processing of mental energy. In other words, myself is entertaining myself with a massive amount of ideas as to promote my own integrity and immunity against those phenomenon which myself deem to be ‘substandard’.

As of the contemporary, the amount of class and intellectual prospect is in worrisome decline. Even assuming other peoples behaviour previous to encounter, as to say prejudice, is a substandard behaviour according to myself. To the best of my effort, myself intends to avoid such neuromechanical retardation as it impacts the efficiency of my overall mental homeostasis and flow of mental energy.

Merely to bring about clarification.

Categorised as Thoughts