
“But Thius, what is with the Aryan thing, are you one of those?”

Do not know who ‘those’ are specifically. But myself could assume, to which the answer is no. Aryans and national socialists are not the same thing to myself. Myself is neither nationalist nor socialist. Myself is and will remain homeocratic synarchist.

Aryan to myself has nothing really to do with appearance, and only some to do with inheritance. At the end of the day, Aryan constitutes specific traits of behaviour to myself. Whether you have a specific appearance that to some people would not constitute Aryan or if you belong to a younger blood-line of humans are essentially irrelevant. Because it comes down to the principles of homeostasis through made manifest behaviour. Essentially genetic integrity.

It is not even what it means, ‘Aryan’ – but it is irrelevant as the mainstream meaning attached to the symbol is just as incorrect in meaning and furthermore completely incorrect regarding genetics.

The day humans realise that there are principles (or laws) of genetics, homeostatic principles that operates in a constant fashion over time, and how it plays into the expression of behaviour and long term shaping of behavioural genetics, that is the day humans will master their behaviour just like they have mastered the laws of physics in superficial engineering.

To myself as a geneticist, it simply means the humans that strives to be as much human as possible, as true to the human template as possible in a scientific sense applying refined manifestation of genetics through long term behaviour. It is a form of overcoming.

It is a form of ‘wrestling with God’ in the sense that one opposes the norm of nature to pursue the greatest possibilities enabled through humanhood. One does not immediately comply with the natural appearance of norm, but takes the human second if not minute to contemplate the long term effects of it. The strategic approach to genetic conditioning. Of course this can be corrupt in the sense that superficial mechanical engineering could become.

But to me, who does not believe in the ‘monkey-theory’, but is far more inclined to believe in the ‘alien-porridge theory’ – returning to the true human template as it was shaped at its conception all that time ago. Because remnants of it exists in my genetics, and more of it is being unlocked the more myself cleans out my genetic corruption and homeostatic debilitation over generations of genetic pollution.

To my knowledge as a geneticist, all humans carries this more or less, and those that does not can still acquire it through epigentic transfer and intragenetic metamorphosis.

It is a saddening realisation to come to as a geneticist, the amount of potential corruption that is animated in everyday behaviour by the mainstream. So many people completely neglects their ancient inheritance in favour for the fleeting spectacle that is put on by the lifeforms of lesser novelty.

Myself wish to acquire the true human template in full neurogenetic assimilation and understanding – not neglecting the neuromechanical applications developed by our species throughout time. And this all in compliance with the scientific understandings of homeostatic principles and genetic dynamics.
It is like the laws of physics, but in behaviour – which over time turns to genetics.

In other words, ‘Aryan’ in its meaning to myself can simply be described as being behaviourally aerodynamic in regard to the epigenetic landscape of potential.

Most people does not even recognise such science. Mainly for two reasons, the first being that it scares them as it comes in the shape of the unknown. Something they dare not trespass upon in fear of becoming ‘outsiders’ to the other inbreds. The second being that they are intentionally misled by those who have acquired information in those topics and wish to acquire a head-start by not sharing the findings as much as they should be.

But biomechanically and organically, as to say homeostatically, your body is a highly efficient and tremendously novel machine. So many micromanaged behaviours in intricate layering of tissues – not to mention supporting organics and regulating chemical hormones. Most people know more about their cars or their houses, in the sense of mechanical functionality than they know their own homeostatic constructs animating them.

Myself as an experiencer in it can only conclude that it is mostly intentional for the reason to keep some people on top and some people as genetic bottom feeders, whose behaviour consists of 95% ‘need to be told’ and the occasional accidental 5% ‘need to know’.

But conclusively, my notion of ‘Aryan’ has little to nothing to do with appearance or genetic inheritance. Genetic inheritance simply makes it easier like school would be slightly easier if you inherited the school-book with all the answers scribbled in the margins.

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10 Tennis

Since my answers molds my synchronicity.
Myself do not like mindless repetition, so you know the drill.

1: “Why are you so rude, Thius?”
– But myself is not. Do not blame my usage of Universal symbols for the interpretations of your artificial insanity. Myself uses whichever syntaxes appropriate in order to express myself with greatest electromagnetic potential. Without losing the sense of the art. You people put a ridiculous amount of effort into learning all these sytanxes, and now we are not allowed to use them? Think about it and let it sink in: inbred. Neurogenetic echo-chamber with completely artificial meaning attached to funny shapes and air displacements. You people are rude.

2: “Which girls are the best, Thius?”
– The ones that truly loves themselves, they are the greatest to reflect. So many are jealous of themselves.

3: “Don’t you realise that everybody hates you?”
– Do you not realise that there are greater forces at play than the fleeting opinions of the corrupt?

4: “Ojda?”
– Bingi-bonga

5: “People do not really get it?”
– You get it.

6: “What do you think about the New World Order?”
– As a scientist it is merely another neurogenetic metamorphosis. Multiscale genetic adaptation in the behavioural expression of our collective species. One mind, billions of bodies. There is not much to say about it, one creates one’s own opposition.

7: “But you need a life insurance Thius! sincerely, ICA”
– Ye inbreds of little faith in science and spirit.

8: “Aliens?”
– Life?

9: “Do you believe they exist?”
– Myself have been extra-dimensionally communicating/trading with them consciously since 2013. Most of the entities are other ‘humans’/’native terrans’, more or less integrated. But there are non-‘human’ entities as well. Quite many. Quite many many. Have yet to encounter a corporal one in the somatic, but it would surprise me as much as a tree outside.

10: “But why can’t you be normal Thius?”
– Myself wonders how long it would take, if every living person on the planet began investigating immortality simultaneously. Shaped in the image of a dying God.

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20 oscillating strings of intellectual syntaxes

As assumed to be processed based on hivemind reverberations manifesting in synchronicity.
No food/diet nor political questions will be answered as those topics have been addressed thoroughly in my previous posts.

1: “Are you a genocidal maniac, Thius?”
– Myself were not at first. But it depends on what ideas the big hoard of inbred livestock have going for them. Individuals are brilliant, together they usually become more cancer the bigger the blob. It would be easier to say that myself believes in and is a fan of natural selection – and not as it were delivered in explanation by the slave owners. Most of you people are chasing images, which makes no sense to you unless you think in images.

2: “Are you really Rosicrucian, Thius?”
– It is like asking myself if myself have played Assassin’s Creed or similarly. Myself would assume my ‘magic’ to have been sufficiently proven by now in my expressions. If you need to ask you do not know about ‘upstairs’ anyway.

3: “Why are you lying to yourself, Thius?!”
– If you assume to know what you cannot know, you are lying to yourself enough to reach faulty conclusions. There are many ways to know what is perceived to be impossible to know, so do not lead yourself astray too far. Not all people knows the alphabet, not all people knows the language of angles in geometry.

4: “Do you still do lucid dreaming?”
– In this very moment. Permanently. It is a form of multidimensional situational awareness.

5: “Is your life as a cripple not boring, Thius?”
– Meditation. Quantum entanglement. Extradimensional perception. Conscious self-modulation of the nervous system. Lucid dreaming. Vicarious living. Hivemind alignment, calibration and recalibration. Organic conducting. Superscale influencing. The inner world is just as infinite as the outer, and few have come further than crawling as infants in there. Myself owns and rules a country.

6: “But how do you know that you are not helplessly crazy?”
– How do you know that you are not helplessly simplistic?

7: “Are you not afraid to be blacklisted?”
– If Helios delivers me consenting volunteers to evaluate the mechanisms of reality upon, it is probably because myself asked for it – however they arrive.

8: “Why are you doing this?”
– Good question, but however it will be formulated, very few individuals will fully appreciate the answer. It is neurogenetic synthesis. Most of you people live in a society of ‘attention-whoring’, it is all you people know and do. This is not that. This is neuromechanical synthetisation as to generate explicit synchronicity which births evermore novel structures of ideas. Neurogenetic synthesis. Myself believes in the openness of nature, as it allows for the greatest range of asexual reproduction through expression<->impression, therefore the superficial counterparts. Like some people grow flowers and pollinate them specifically, myself grows neurogenetic flowers and hopes for oscillation from the neurogenetically novel through perception. In short it means that myself is growing my mindbody with the help of this project.

9: “But how do you know that it is natural?”
– How do you know how to make kids?

10: “So what is the difference in blood-lines?”
– Behaviour. It is microscopic behaviour. A lineage which have lived through more time may have adopted to more scenarios of life. This is embedded in the genetic heritage like tree-rings in a tree. Behavioural proficiencies and environmentally shaped traits are passed down and molded over time. The more gentic heritage, the greater probability to be armed with knowledge on how to adapt and overcome with knowledge, as opposed to having to adapt to it in original experience. People find these facts offensive, even though it is no different from being born in a country that have existed for a long time which has cultures and customs established. Those are behaviours as well, and that is what genetics is, behaviour over time. It is an inheritance of knowledge, just like you can inherit objects which are structures of energy shaped by specific behaviour over time. People wanting to tear it down based on simple thoughts such as personal opinions are victims to behaviour just as much, it just comes with less novelty. It is like comparing a child to an adult, but in terms of genetic age.

11: “And how do you know that you are the adult?”
– Why the obsession? Myself would say that the most adult thing one can do is to play along with the scientifically factual principles of homeostasis, as they perpetuate the greatest degree of integrity thus generating novelty – defined in simple-speak: no murder, no stealing, no coveting, no lying and no judging. But most people want to scream over them while claiming to be adults. Behaviour equals genetics. If you murder in imitation of the lesser lifeforms, you are definitely not an adult in scientific behaviour. That is why nature shaped the immune-system, that which through homeopathy treats the murderers by killing them off; murder is unnecessary killing and killing is necessary murder. Anybody who bases adulthood on the superficial are still busy chasing an image, as it is a form of behaviour. As for myself, myself is far more concerned with remaining of integrity and novelty than expressing corruption in behaviour through ruling techniques exercised over other people, however it arrives by claiming my adulthood.

12: “And if they lock you up?”
– Myself would and will do to them everything they consent to through their own behaviour, even if it means utilising external parties like extradimensional entities. According to the Swedish ‘adult’ system, systemic poisoning, organ theft, brutal rape, attempted murder and financial abuse are fully legal and accepted actions, as long as they are done in the name of science or health care. You people set the standard, because you are the ones who claims to be adult. Myself will use whatever praxis you people establish in your adulthood in my quantum engineering. Myself never claimed to be the adult, so you set the example, people.

13: “Even if that means people dying”
– If anyone dies because of my methods, it is because they consented to it. Just like they did to me at the hospital when they tried and myself survived/survives. They have already set the standard and never bothered to fully resolve it legally. So much for the precious adult system you people wish to perpetuate.

14: “What is your favourite food, Thius?”
– Just to get off the questions from the inbreds. It would be vegan chicken fillet imitation with oven-baked french fries and raw onion, served with a glass of tropical juice. Makes one feel like an internally clean human.

15: “Are you anti-social, Thius?”
– No. Neuromechanically understimulated by the available stock. You people assume that making funny mouth-noises means being social. Meanwhile myself is scanning your entire genetic code by the oscillations it makes in your morphogenetic field.

16: “But how do you know that is real?”
– (Hear it in Morpheus) What is real?
Myself knows what myself knows to function mechanically. The rest is just experience.

17: “And you own yourself?”
– My essence owns my self-generated neurogenetic structures constituting myself, anyone contesting that is a consenting volunteer in the research deployed by TARSOF.

18: “What about Summer Camp, Thius?”
– What about it? You will have to ask the ones that values my intelligence about it. Myself do not really care until it becomes relevant in my experience. Supposedly it will make things better for myself, that is about as much as myself knows.

19: “But how did you know about it before everybody else?”
– Myself did not, only most of people. But myself will say this only this once, what is researched in TARSOF is no joke. Especially not the five-dimensional triangulation techniques.

20: “Don’t you hate these questions, Thius?”
– Myself do, when it is just the stupid ass-questions by the superficial tryhards. But you people can only understand the funny mouth-noises and you have an endless ‘need to be told’ and no ‘need to know’ whatsoever. And if you are not told, you will have your slave-minds projecting your lack of novelty upon myself bothering my synchronicity until myself finally takes time to answer those that does not know about ‘upstairs’ so you can get off my wall. At least until your minds of cattle-genetics starts going again. It must be what having children is like. Rosy bird.

Categorised as Thoughts

20 more questions

As delivered personally or synchronistically. Mostly in response to the live-stream.
No food/diet nor political questions will be answered as those topics have been addressed thoroughly in my previous posts.

1: “Thius, do you believe in magic?”
– Myself approaches quantum engineering.

2: “Are your memes serious, Thius?”
– Everything on this website is as serious as you make it. Myself produces placeholders in synchronicity by arranging potential into experiences. In the case that you mean Thius as represented in my memes as being like myself, the answer is no. Meme-Thius and ‘reality’-Thius are different, myself thought at least that much to be obvious.

3: “Thius, are you a femboy?”
– Ask your wife.

4: “What was your favourite topic in school, Thius?”
– Photography, because it was so different from everything else.

5: “Can you describe your dream-girl?”
– Overqualified superintellectual girly girl with extra-dimensional awareness and a desire for increased novelty through efficient sophistication in all aspects of homeostatic functionality. Of course she is vegan and in my size. All colours and superficialties are irrelevant.

6: “Did you use to make music, Thius?”
– So you found my Soundcloud? To call it music is a bit much, but yes.

7: “Thius, which is your favourite Marijuana strain?”
– Jamaican Pearl. This might change though. Golden teacher in Cubensis, as far as my experience allows myself an opinion regarding those.

8: “Why did you create”
– It was actually a task in my education when myself studied Internet media back in 2009. Myself were to create a website. Myself officially never completed the course. But here we are.

9: “Is it true that you only drink distilled water, Thius?”
– Yes. Every single day since 2017. Myself lives in a time and society where chemically pure water is easily attainable or producible.

10: “Is your coat of arms serious, Thius?”
– No. It was/is an art project myself committed to back in 2014. Myself have been working on it ever since. As every component of it carries a lot of meaning. It is unconventional and unofficial, but it to a great degree follows the classical art of the craft. Myself could not think of anything better to put on the landing page. Myself does not use it otherwise in life except for a mouse-pad which myself printed an old version of it on.

11: “What does the counters mean on your website?”
– They are countdowns to hot-spots in the cross-temporal synchronicity. Based on the heliocentric geometric oscillation and by that cymatic effects in the microscale genetic integrity, it is the identification of where the lambda-wave precipice will occur in several different cycles or oscillations expressing in and through the behaviour generated by genetic animation within the human species. It is an extremely oversimplified expression for something like five-dimensional triangulation. Constants are like waves, they always happen, how they individually shape themselves in expression as they animate is completely variable – so myself do not yet know what they are counting down to. Myself have given them some designations based on the supposed chain of events that are to unfold due to human planning. It is an attentive investment into the unknown.

12: “Do you watch porn, Thius?”
– Occasionally. It is mostly for studying behaviour these days however. Humans have such elaborate ways to express their reproductive gymnastics. It is like nature on a myriad of artificial chemicals. The principles which shapes the chain of mutations required to establish a fetish is rather remarkable and interesting from both a chemistry and genetics point of view. My homework is my porn.

13: “Do you like cats, Thius?”
– Myself likes all animals. But yes, cats are decent beings just like dags. My family used to breed them when myself were younger, so myself have acquainted myself rather well with the particularities of cats. Myself would if myself could rather have a dag though. And before you ask, my dream dag would be a Russian bear dag (Caucasian Shepherd Dog)

14: “Do you really think that people care about this?”
– My Universal reflection cares as much as myself cares.

15: “Favourite Girl name?”
– Such superficialties are irrelevant. And myself cannot tell you my favourite as the name is exclusive enough to be pinned down (GDPR). But in the more common names, it would be Ophelia.

16: “Are you sick in the head, Thius?”
– Myself would probably say yes just for integrity, because it is so overwhelmingly simple to become it even more if one thinks one is not. But as the saying goes, ‘it takes one to know one’ – and myself does not really know anyone who is actually sick in the head.

17: “Why do you have to try so much?”
– Is that not what life is?

18: “Which languages do you speak?”
– Swedish and English. Also a little Russian, but only a little.

19: “98 or 99?”
– 100%, so 99.

20: “How many kids would you want?”
– Assuming this means in the flesh, myself would love to have a daughter. But ultimately, that is the call of the lady. As long as it is sustainable, myself does not mind.

Categorised as Thoughts

20 questions

As delivered personally or synchronistically.
No food/diet nor political questions will be answered as those topics have been addressed thoroughly in my previous posts.

1: “Thius, are you actually trading with extra-dimensional entities?”
– Yes. Although, that would be the business of Theta in TARSOF. For further information, ask your leaders/owners. They tell you what you may or may not believe anyway.

2: “Thius, do you have a Russian girlfriend?”
– No. Myself have a spiritually adopted Russian daughter in a way which is complicated to explain. The writings are on the wall.

3: “Thius, how many wives have you played Tennis with?”
– Myself have a list of synchronistic ‘girlfriends’, which is the metaphorical tennis which myself plays. There is as of writing 35 names on that list, representing some 44 different girls (Some share name – and not all are wives). Those are my regulars in synchronistic whispering aka. tennis. In total, only God knows.

4: “Thius, which religion do you believe the most in?”
– Myself knows nature.

5: “Thius, do you really electrocute yourself?”
– Every day. Thank you Nikola Tesla, Rife and the rest of the gang.

6: “Thius, which is your favourite movie?”
– ‘Revolver’ by Guy Ritchie from 2005

7: “Theta, why did you leave Mensa?”
– Beneath all the drama, the simple answer is imposter syndrome.

8: “Thius, did you play OG World of Warcraft vanilla?”
– Myself did. Although that would technically speaking be Thim. A friend got me hooked back in 2005, if myself remembers properly. Myself was the worst because the neurological structure of Thim was poorly engineered and quite inefficient, so myself never got to endgame of vanilla before The Burning Crusade.

9: “Thius, have you ever been abroad?”
– Aside from trips as a child with the family, myself have been on my very own to Denmark and Portugal.

10: “Thius, what is your disability?”
– Myself is missing approximately a third of my digestive system. You can figure out the rest.

11: “What is your favourite computer game?”
– Although this is hard to answer, myself would have to say that it is either Bioshock Infinite or Cyberpunk 2077 – both because of the synchronistic experience generated by the story. But that said, it is a very hard question to answer.

12: “What kind of cell phone do you own?”
– Nokia. Of course. In the current case an XR20, and nothing else have survived as long as this one except my first phone which was a Nokia 5110. Myself have stuck to Nokia most of my life.

13: “Thius, are you woke?”
– Myself is a member of ‘Peaky Wokers’, a think-tank tasked with figuring out what ‘woke’ actually is. If that is what you ask?

14: “Thius, are you scared of death?”
– No. Myself almost died at the hospital back in 2004. Myself had an extreme adverse reaction towards a chemo. Had the antidote been administered 30 seconds later this would not be written. Myself have accepted death since then. My self-preservation still works fine though.

15: “What stimulants do you use, Thius?”
– In terms of ‘drugs’, as of these days myself accepts only organic drugs, as to say Cannabis and Cubensis – mostly for spiritual or scientific reasons. Myself have been clean from tobacco and alcohol since 2013. Myself might drink mildly if the occasion is inviting enough, which happened last time in 2019. Myself quit the mild medicinal use of opiate painkillers in 2019. Myself do not like artificially refined drugs and avoids those as much as possible. Myself also consumes caffeine during the summer and refined sugar during the winter, because they do have mild benefits.

16: “Thius, are you good at chess?”
– No. Chess references, yes. The game, no.

17: “Which is your favourite Bond movie, Thius?”
– That is hard to answer. But because of childhood nostalgia, myself would say ‘A View to a Kill’ from 1985.

18: “Thius, do you believe the world will end?”
– The world, no. Humanity, as a behavioural scientist myself would say it is inevitable.

19: “Do you have a car, Thius?”
– No. Myself do not have a driver’s license. Myself lives in the socialist paradise of Sweden where public transport can take you anywhere. As a cripple myself do not consider myself in need of it. Especially not since acquiring a driver’s license is a small fortune, not to mention owning a car in passive fees, insurances, taxes and only God knows what else. But if myself did, myself would probably own either a BMW or a SAAB.

20: “Thius, do you own any animals?”
– No. Myself does not like the idea of ‘owning’ sentient beings. It is a cancerous mindset in my personal view. As of my current housing situation (apartment on the third floor), myself would consider it unfair to the animal. Do have a couple of friendly spiders that lives in various parts of the apartment, but they invited themselves.

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“But Thius, why are you a virgin? Are you like an ‘incel’ or something?”

Initially, myself would not know if myself is actually an ‘incel’, since my effort is voluntary and committed. Myself have turned down a couple of ‘opportunities’ in favor for my virginity – in the context you people use that mouth-noise.

First off, virginity has more to do with commitment in non-murder and genetic cleanliness to me than it has to do with abstaining from sexuality. The Christian view of virginity is flawed based on the incorrect interpretation of eating of the tree of knowledge.

Technically, myself is not sexually virgin – even though myself achieved a decade of full penetration sexual abstinence entering this June (2024). That is mostly because myself these days have grounded desires for reproduction if it is to be worth it. Myself refuse to couple and procreate with carcinogenic humans – which is the main norm.

My own western culture is crying and complaining that they die out because people do not reproduce as much. But it is straight up logic, with our completely unsustainable lifestyles and consumption. It is without competition in the normal society the most expensive to raise a unit in the western world. And most of it is completely redundant. It all comes from our honour culture – a child must have this and that, and while really only some 30% of it is actually needed to flourish, the honour culture demands the excessive consumption just because it looks good.

Myself would not even want to have a child born into this carcinogenic culture that is eating itself alive and currently collapsing under the weight of its own debts.

For example, a person that earns more than twice my income is somehow riddled with debt and loans in order to sustain a life which really is only for cosmetics and comparison. Those people are now struggling to survive and have to sell their houses and possessions, while myself is breezing though life knowing how to navigate our ‘great’ western culture in a more sustainable fashion.

But myself lives in a hyper-socialist country, which means as soon the child is born, it is stolen by the state. Myself refuse to contribute to such a cancerous system. They cannot force me to procreate. Such a system deserves to die out and myself is happy to contribute with my abstinence. It is good if only the unsustainable units reproduce, because it means its decline will occur faster. (Like when the healthy cells gives up in a morbidly obese human)

Furthermore, for me to even consider it, the lady in question must be virgin. Which is in science better understood as ‘genetically clean’, and in modern simplification of mouth-noises is known as ‘vegan’.

Myself refuse to stick my thingy into some carcinogenic genetic porridge of humanimalism containing biological ‘knowledge’ from a myriad of lesser lifeforms.

So why is myself virgin?
Mostly because it makes life so much easier to navigate.

Furthermore it amplifies my psychokinetic abilities and overall potential in my conducting of existential energy. ‘Inside jobs’ are easier than ever to perform through mindlessly consuming proxies that are artificially autonomous enough to operate and navigate life somewhat, but simultaneously being functionally and consciously braindead because of the overwhelming unsustainable culture they are part of.

Like the posers demand a ‘clean room’, myself as a scientist demands clean genetics. Otherwise it is simply not worth it. Myself refuse to breed sickness and unsustainability just for the sake of it – if that is the case, our species might as well die while myself enjoys video games and just asexually fucking around in free expressions such as this one.

That is why myself is virgin.
Myself would as of these days not even consider you as a lady unless you are genetically clean. End of discussion.

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Social media

Myself must quietly wonder what it is that has happened with social media as of lately. It has been rendered almost completely useless in the sense that what comes with it does not make it worth what you supposedly should get from it.

In my personal experience the worst is Facebook/META. Whatever happened with that one is not good. While the platform might be ok in and of itself, the user base is not. It has grown into the most fascist, gated society toxic sludge of a hivemind and server infrastructure myself have ever had the misfortune to experience on the Internet (Have been more or less active online since circa 2000). Even beating out several notoriously toxic gaming communities. It is unreal.

Whenever myself is attached to their network multidimensionally, my neuromechanics adapts and alters in accordance with that. Turning myself into a homicidal maniac that just hatefully wishes to see everyone dead – but play theatre like everything is fine. As soon myself logs out and detaches from their network, my own ordinary peace and calm returns almost instantly. Like unplugging a cord from the electrical outlet.

Observing the development of hiveminds created by social media users alone gives a clear hint that what is happening with our species and planet is not good. At all.

Myself will always nurture my freedom of expression, regardless of situation – it is the only way to know if myself is in an improper situation. And my conclusion is that most social medias are useless given all the toxicity that comes with them. And it is not the same type of toxicity that myself shamelessly expresses in my memes as very distasteful jokes – no, this is the silent serious behind the masks and curtains refined fucking murderous hatred. They really mean it, beyond disgusting jokes like myself. At least that is the vibes and energies myself gets from them. Straight up psychopathic murderers that is playing theatre like they are the world’s best people; wolves in sheep clothing.

It does not show, but it is there.
Myself have observed it diligently now. And yes, every time myself connects to especially Facebook/META this shit happens. No idea why that one in particular. It happens on the other ones as well, but myself do not use them as much and does not entangle as much with their hivemind – so myself do not know entirely for sure how toxic they are. And is mildly encouraged to find that out.

As a cripple more or less bound to the Internet since 2012 it is sad to realise another factor of loneliness amplifying. Whether to blame my own very sensitive (not fragile) and receptive multidimensional perception, or people’s general energy and thought-behaviour within the hivemind myself does not know.

But if myself is going to become like that attaching myself to their hiveminds, myself would rather remain the lonesome outsider.

It really is that bad out there.

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If you wish to not be beaten by the crippled non-tranny tranny (Myself is not a tranny, myself is merely embracing my androgyny a bit – but some people keep insisting on that being how it is, so myself have accepted the existence of such phenomenon in manifestation through myself) – you may operate according to these ‘rules’ which myself follows when it comes to my activity of working out. You would not want to be less than what myself is right?

Just promoting a bit of healthy competition.

Initially, what myself is doing is ‘walking’, or in the greater pace of it: ‘marching’. The rules myself follows are:

The stretch in question has been set to 7 kilometers (~4.3 miles). This can be measured by GPS, it can be pre-measured via Google maps, or one can use an already measured trail.

One foot must be in the ground at all times. What myself does is not jogging nor running. It is done for the sake of exercising the legs by utilising muscular potential to force myself to move faster – pushing oneself forward.

Full qualification is when one carries at least 15% of the body weight, anything up until that point is warm-up or practice. Myself is currently carrying somewhere around 18% of my body-weight. But myself aims at operating somewhere around 20% of the body-weight – which is my usual number. This can be achieved with a weight vest or a rucksack.

Consecutive days of activity serve as a secondary personal best and aspect of measurement.

Breaks, breathers, rests may be taken as desired. What matters is the time of the stretch with the appropriate amount of carry weight in proportion to the body weight.

My personal bests are as follows:

– 7km stretch with >20% of body weight (14kg (~31lbs) to my then 52kg (~115lbs) body weight) as carry in 61 minutes blank (Successfully done in 2021 and 2023)

– Greatest carry was 30kg (~66lbs) (>50% of body weight) for 7 kilometers in <70 minutes (Successfully done in 2021)

– Greatest consecutive daily regimen is 7 days in a row with >20% of the body weight for 7 kilometers (Performed in 2020 and 2021; did only 5 days in 2023)

If you are going to seriously consider it and you are novice, heed my advice:
Slowly build those numbers up – especially if you suffer from compromised circulation and cardio. Myself is not competing, myself is merely grinding and keeping track as a hobby.
In my view, you win if you do it, because then my motivation was successful.

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“Why are you pro-Trump Thius?”

Why are you so stupid you fail to realise how to properly grab the utensils in the kitchen?
Myself is, and will make this exceptionally clear, pro-myself. Myself is currently and will for the foreseeable future in my life remain politically neutral, translating into apolitical. Myself is pro-nobody. Myself is against nobody as well.

My opinion in regard to the political theatrics that the human resources takes exceedingly seriously is: may the best candidate or representative win. That is currently not how the theatrics of it is composed and arranged, which contributes quite a lot towards my non-participation. But it remains my opinion regardless.

Myself wish to be represented by intelligence.
That is why myself currently represents myself.
And while it sounds like the biggest ego-stroke of the century, myself have indeed been shopping around. Especially as a behavioural scientist.
There is no supply to satisfy my demand.

You people behave like fucking inbreds in the theatrical game of politics, if myself is allowed to be honest. Not only do you insult the ones that are willing to partake in the insanity like myself does right now for the sake of illustration and bringing to awareness – you also do not like the system in question which you try to get everyone to participate in – it is absolutely hilarious.
Myself is attempting my non-hypocrisy a bit more by not participating as long as the political charade is corrupt and dysfunctional. It is my responsibility and desire to represent myself – which ought to be allowed in a supposed ‘representative democracy’.

Myself fails to find anyone that is more intelligent than myself in my personal opinion, and therefore cannot allow them to represent myself. But in the game of it which you people play, my opinion remains as a neutral – may the best candidate or representative achieve victory.

If myself have anything else to add, it would be:
Fucking behave you dumb inbred monkeys – because your political system is not getting any better by behaving like improperly developed humanimals.

If you disapprove of it like myself, take your personal responsibility and represent yourself. You might even come to realise how fucking challenging actual authentic neutrality is. You might come to realise how much you have to understand in order to maintain your platform inbetween the big hordes of inbred subhumans screaming because they do not get whatever it is they want from their parents – like they were conditioned in their upbringing.

Supply and demand.

Trump, Biden or whatever, wherever or whenever.
You are supposedly going to play world war three whichever wins regardless.
So in additional conclusion, myself would prefer to actually enjoy life over arguing the stupidity that is our current political game – and just as much so because of the people (voters) as the leaders (representatives).

Myself represents myself as monarch of the biological union of Theta – a theoretical satellite citizen to the kingdom of Sweden (as myself wish to keep the neutrality myself were born into and bereft of by the sub-intelligent representatives in our political game)

Now stop projecting your inbred prejudice on my supposed political stance. It has been as clear as it could be made by now. If you fail to properly digest these intellectual symbols into understanding, you should return to elementary school and stay far away from politics.

Categorised as Thoughts


“What is TARSOF?”

As of currently it is the military industrial complex of the biological union of Theta, it is what it has grown into. It is conducting research into, performing scientific observation of, gathering intelligence in, acquiring solutions to and deploying engineering into several areas of the multidimensional existence. It is a nine-part neurogenetic infrastructure generating an organic intelligence which delves into different functions and expressions of potential. This entire website ( is as of 2019 a project in the Epsilon sector of TARSOF. (Thetaz has been active as a standalone artistic project since 2009)

Initially TARSOF started off as a continuation of TAREM. TAREM was a study group and active team in open source signal surveillance. TAR does not stand for anything specific, but could stand for several things. The suffixes EM stands for electromagnetism and SOF for Sad Organised Fraternity (or something). It was just a placeholder for studies into life-extension which began in TAREM around 2015, but as these became more serious the breakaway TARSOF initiated as an idea in 2017. The thought-form expanded throughout 2018 to 2020. In 2021 the superficial digital entity ( was birthed and is still in growth.

Initially there were no compartmentalisation as it is formulated today. The compartments where shaped over time and seven of the nine compartments were part in the first solid formulation in 2019, as follows: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Theta and Lambda. Sigma and Psi were added in 2020. There were plans on adding an additional two compartments, Phi and Chi, but they were ultimately considered redundant.

While it is challenging to summarise in short the complete effort of TARSOF as it operates today, due to the nature of how it is built, the main superficial formulation is currently as follows:
Alpha focuses on infrastructure
Beta on bio-engineering
Gamma on communications
Delta on military development
Epsilon on cultural development
Theta on genetic engineering
Lambda on social sciences and public relations
Sigma on quantum sciences
And Psi on extradimensional sciences

It is built as a neuromechanical construct in the mental realm. A way in which artificial intellect has been functionally arranged in order to generate intelligence. It is a highly engineered thought-structure serving as the main infrastructure for the biological union of Theta, the biological entity that is the body currently authoring these literal compositions. In a way a form of organic intelligence utilising artificial intellect in order to conjure refined functions allowed by the mental faculties belonging to ‘human’.

When a country cannot expand in size superficially, it goes in the only directions it can – upwards and downwards. When a human cannot expand outwards, it may or may not invest into the inward expansion.

As a person who spends on average 10 hours every day in deep meditation, it could be seen as a counterpart to the more common idea of mind-castle or mind-temple. Myself have through rigorous mental gymnastics shaped my own mental country with its own military industrial complex. Initially not military, but necessity has become necessary. It is a complete theoretical infrastructure with several organisations serving specific functions. All of which has been partially neuromechanically automated in the subconscious part of the mind. All artificial intellect that is perceived in my epigenetic environment is automatically sorted and organised in my structuring of thoughts. As every thought is a composition of mental energy.

The novelty which it reaches it hard to convey as of currently. But as of 2024 the semi-automated neurogenetic phenotype of 23PA27-A was launched and put into operation, which is in the operation of building the next iteration 23PA27-T which goes into operation 2025. This is the structure in which mental energy is being processed for the sake of increasing all mental faculties.

Visual illustration of the neuromechanical arrangement that is 23PA24-A

All intellect is syntax based in the shape of its artificial nature, which means that even these structures of symbols that corresponds to funny mouth-noises can be used to structure functional artificial intelligence. That is what it is. It has been an awful lot of mouth-noises thus far to try and illustrate what it is. As it is an extradimensional structure, it can only be beheld by prolonged expression in the perceivable somatic realm. A form of organic intelligence that animates an efficiently arranged novel structure of acquired artificial intellect.

This comes as a solution to the problem that TAREM originally contested with – intelligence increase. The original endeavour of TARSOF is life extension, which is hoped to be achieved through genetic engineering. As the neurogenetic code of human was cracked in 2020, life-extension and intelligence increase became much easier to achieve. While most of the solutions are available in the public realm if one does the homework, the novel combinations of elements in neuromechanics which brings about the functions is considered trade secrets. Most people, and truly most people, would not bother with the homework nor commit to it diligently enough to truly appreciate the novelty required in order acquire such refined functions in animating neurogenetics.

A Smart-virus which is sometimes referenced humorously in my memes, is just that. A novel construct of ideas which is supposed to have very specific effect on the thought behaviour through neurogenetic mutation. While it is underneath it all very sophisticated wave modulation, it is most commonly understood and appreciated through expressed behaviour – in that case art. And that is what genetics is, behaviour over time. A lot of neurogenetic engineering is mostly about wave modulation, as all intellect we know as humans are algorithmic. It is a functional effect caused by the carrier wave modulation that is the activity of thinking.

So another way of understanding what TARSOF is, would be to say that it is a large collection of wave modulations resulting in desired neuromechanical functions.

TARSOF is a lot of things.
Mostly it is a scientific endavour into acquiring extended life and increased intelligence. But also physical performance and general awareness through intelligence gathering.
It has become more due to the neurogenetic expansion the success of the project has allowed myself to enjoy. Therefore other necessary functions have been added and will be added.

Thius is the main alter of the person Theta Eklöv, the monarch of the mind-country ‘Theta’ and common mental clothing in expression – my main persona. Thius had to be created as Theta became more of a neurogentic operating system than a person in 2019-2020 as a result of the expanding success in TARSOF.

This research/endeavor originally began in 2013 but without name, and has been going on more or less in the background of my life since then. Today it occupies my time completely since it is the structure in which myself processes mental energy.

TARSOF is also the reason for the quantum calendar used to isolate wave-functions in the heliocentric modulation of the genetic code which can be seen in some places on this website – in which this post would occupy:
Questioning Void in Luna cycle 5

2019 formulation
2021 formulation
2023 formulation
Categorised as Thoughts