For the sake of seriousness in all of the silliness.
As you people plaster yourselves in my synchronicity all over, as per usual when myself let the livestock enter my personal digital space.
While my Friends wonder how myself can handle the behaviour of the livestock and all of their mental impositions due to their unhinged mental bodies – myself assure them that their service as walking schoolbook pages is both enlightening and amusing enough for me to at least partially withstand their .. well, whatever it is they are assigned to do as ‘human resources’.

Most people seem to find what has been proposed in regard to myself as a person in life – beyond my synchronistic tennis in the shape of poetry and jokes – as intimidating. Myself can think of no other neuromechanical principle that spawns such a behaviour. For such is the nature and context to my personal choices.

Never for a second do these livestock stop and ponder. Never do they question themselves, they are too busy and distracted with questioning the choices of other. Myself is aware, as myself used to do the same at a younger more inexperienced age of life.

But very much so, there are aspects to this which are hard to explain. And while my excess of funny mouth-noises, proving little else other than my higher education, is attempting to convey things that myself could not possibly convey in this language.
For such is the situation, when one speaks from a genetic high ground, to the genetic gutter – the spoken to would not realise the outlook in neuromechanical principles anyway.

But in simplicity, this is my own digital property. Myself is the master of expression. Myself built this place.
And while my expressive character is wildly different from that of my ordinary character, it does not mean to absolutely alter the actual person that myself is.

Myself studies neuromechanical engineering, and advanced principles of behavioural science. Something labelled under neurogenetics, in which communication is an absolute phenomenon, as it is the respiration of the mental homeostasis. Myself therefore samples and arranges a wide variation of intellectual constructs in order to spawn specific occurrence in my synchronistic experience. As my projections of mental energy alters the overall fluctuations in our hivemind.

And while this is currently happening right now when you stare at these structured symbols, it is rather impossible to convey it in its full meaning to the genetically inferior.
It is not racism. Myself would not do this if it were.
Subject myself to the non-existent intellectual standard of the average human class. In which there is remarkably little class left.

While myself accepts the majority of ‘funny mouth-noises’ that the livestock produces in autonomous neuromechanical reaction towards myself, they fail to ponder the functions which allows me to respond in the fashion myself does. The ability to communicate.
My silliness is actually an attempt to master my communication in a way which the lower classes can fully understand and appreciate. Because 99% of you have stopped reading by now.

Do not mistake the appearance of myself, because as one ought to know, they are deceptive. Myself is a master in phenotypal camouflage through predefined neuromechanical metamorphosis, or as they would call it more simply in psychology: ‘compartmentalisation’.
Possessing a neuromechanical industry comparable to that of an entire country, myself do indeed communicate with life as you know it in a way which most of you people do not know.

In shortest expression:
Your thoughts has never been, is not and will never be private.

The question you ought to concern yourself with the most in this life is:
Why do you not know that?

Categorised as Thoughts