
A question myself encounters fairly often in synchronicity is why myself refuse to partake in political activity. While this stance of mine has a multifaceted explanation, the two main reasons are scientific neutrality and behavioural understanding.

As the scientific neutrality was elaborated upon in my previous writing, myself feel that myself have already expressed myself sufficiently in that regard. It is simply because it makes trading of mind matter easier. One is triggered by less, prejudiced towards less and therefore have an easier time overall to trade intellect through the activity of studying and expressing oneself.

The other aspect is that of behavioural understanding. Myself is intimately aware of my natural evil and how it affects my neuromechanics coming through as expressed behaviour. Myself due to my commitment towards honesty cannot lie about my actual human nature. Therefore myself does not pretend to be more ‘good’ than myself actually is for the sake of approval or recognition.

Myself knows myself, deeply, having populated most of my brain and a significant amount of my genetics. Myself simply cannot trust myself with artificial mechanical influence over collective biomass. Regardless if other people assume me capable or desire me to act in such a position.

Myself knows, from careful observation of myself, the flaws of my human nature and character. Myself is a strategic psychopath, have always been, will always be. Such is the nature of myself, whether myself likes it or not. Denying it helps neither me nor anyone else. Myself would push the button.

Myself would release the deadly virus, myself would launch the nuke. In my personal opinion as a behavioural scientist, humans deserve no better. Humans destroy everything they come in contact with, anything they cannot understand or anything they do not like. And worst of all, most of them are in complete denial of it. They would never for a second stop to ponder their own evil and their own behaviour, let alone admit it. Myself as an honest behavioural scientist cannot claim the same about myself. Myself would if the opportunity arose push the metaphorical button.

Therefore myself cannot trust myself with politics.
Because myself knows myself would do it.

Myself therefore enjoys the neutral life where myself minds myself and my own business. If people trespass on my property with malign intent, myself do exercise the psychokinetic skills myself is currently in possession of, regardless of the outcome.
This is an immediate effect of the traumatising torture/treatment myself received at the hospital. Where the personnel are in complete and utter denial of their evil and evil acts.

Myself tries, my very best, to be better than what myself is. But in conjunction to all the two-faced hypocrites that lies and pretends to be good for the sake of dopamin, myself knows it is neuromechanically impossible to trust myself with influence over the collective.

Had it been my call on that submarine during the cold war, we would not be sitting here today.

Myself is however not irrationally evil, so myself would never pick up a weapon in order to commit to terrorism or similar. Myself would never perform a school-shooting or church-shooting, it is too personal. It is not fair, in the sense that a global virus would be fair. So while myself is evil to a certain degree, myself is not completely unhinged. Myself cannot hurt children (regardless of age) nor can myself hurt animals. Myself might be evil, but not cruel.

Myself takes my commitment to honesty lethally seriously.
Towards myself as much as anyone else.
In other words, politics is not for me.
Now, stop trying to recruit me, or apply pressure on me.
Especially if you understand trauma-based programming.
Which myself was unintentionally subjected to in the past.

Categorised as Thoughts